Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, September 7, 2007


Annabelle's 7th month old today lor... let's see what's her small changes during this month:
1. 展开双手要人抱 (she asks more for carrying now...)
2. 将东西从一只手换到另一只手,不论什么东西在手中,都要摇一摇,或猛敲(like yesterday, we gave a baby biscuit for Annabelle to eat, she just sucked for few times, then played with it, passing from 1 hand to another hand...)
3. 大人在夸奖他时,他能表示出愉快的情绪, 听到大人在责怪他时,他们表示出懊丧的情绪 (actually this happening during her 2-3 months, when we say " naughty" word to her, then she cried... if we praised her eg. when the time she learnt how to turnover her body, she is very happy... or we say "you are a pretty girl, clever girl, then she is more happy)
4. Like to crawl, and like to pull herself up to the standing position (開始 會由俯臥 變成 坐位. 也一直嘗試 捉東西 自己站起來 eg. in baby cot & sofa)
5. 要人陪她, 我們一走開. Annabelle '啊啊' 叫. 哭了

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