Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Don't bully me

Daddy & mummy brought Annabelle to Midvalley's baby fair today. It was crowded with ppl... Every store is packed. There were balloons giving free, we managed to get Annabelle a purple one. She was so happy. When we were at Huggies store, daddy was busying fill in a form. Mummy was carrying Annabelle & also filling in a form to join as a new member. After a while, mummy heard Annabelle was making noise, like making complaints to mummy. Mummy looked at her, she pointed to the purple balloon - which already in a boy's hand (he's around 5 years old, who was sitting on his baby seat). Mummy looked at the boy, he refused to give back the balloon. Oh no! Mummy told the boy's father, "Hey, your boy took my baby's ballion"... Then mummy just took it & passed back to Annabelle.

Hmm... it's good that Annabelle knows how to complain... no one can bully her. Hahaha...

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