Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


1. 愛被讚賞, when u praised Annabelle, she's very happy & smile back to u.
2. 能从坐立主动的躺下变为卧位,而不再被动地倒下
3. 伸出食指,表现为喜欢用食指抠东西
4. 能够认识一些图片上的物品,例如他可以从一大堆图片中找出他熟悉的几张 eg. we placed her toys eg. duck duck, miss harley, sheep, honey B on the bed, she can differentiate them & picks the correct one.
5. Grew more hair when she was in New Zealand for 3 weeks
6. 越來越 會捏人了. 抱住她時, Annabelle 會 時不時 不知覺 捏人了
7. 手指頭變得非常靈巧, 現在, 玩 玩具 70% 是 放進 口裡 玩. 30% 是 用手 去 發掘
8. 很享受 玩 如 一敲打就會發出聲響的玩具
9. 開始想去探索欲求. 開始想 為什麼 會這樣?? eg. drop toys on the floor.
10. 慢慢的學習用 語言 來表達自己 eg. calling ppl to carry her
11. Annabelle got flu & cough during her 3 weeks stay in NZ, we noticed she's ok with medicine, which was totally diff. from last time she took antibiotic. May b the medicine in NZ is sweeter & taster?
12. like to take mobile phone
13. can stand for longer time (不扶手 站立 5 秒 or more)
14. 最近 很愛說 'ba ba', 'ar..............', 'ya ya...'
15. 會 bye bye 了, when we say bye bye to her, she moves her hands bye bye

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